Governor/Commonwealth Transportation Board releases greatly enhanced draft program which includes new and sustainable revenues from HB 2313 for highway, rail and other transportation projects.
RICHMOND – Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that HB 2313, the transportation funding bill he signed into law this week, went into immediate action today when the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) released the state’s working draft of the Fiscal Years 2014-2019 Six-Year Improvement Program. The program allocates $15.4 billion, a $4 billion increase, in funding to transportation improvements over the next six fiscal years beginning July 1, 2013. Improvements include highway, road, rail, transit and bridge projects and other improvements across the state. Each year the six-year program is updated to reflect the latest projected revenues and transportation priorities.
“Because of the new sustainable funding, the CTB can now look at the entire six-year-program with a long-term focus on improving the transportation system we have, building projects and planning new ones,” said Governor McDonnell. “The program reflects hundreds of transportation projects identified as critical priorities by localities, regional entities and the Commonwealth. Most importantly, the work created by the program will sustain thousands of jobs and have a multi-billion dollar impact on Virginia’s economy.”
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