February 2007 - TransDominion Express

TDX Progress Stifled in Richmond

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

We all realize that “you” are not the only constituent to whom your representative must answer. We are all constituents and we don’t always agree with each other. So, we must be fair to these folks we have elected and recognize that they have a difficult task, at best. Even so, it should not be […]


A Message from TDX Chairman, French Moore, Jr.

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

During the Warner administration we made great progress with the active support of Transportation Secretary Clement and former Director Rae of the VA Dept.of Rail & Public Transportation (VDRPT). Change of administration coupled with the decision by House leadership at the 2006 General Assembly to sideline legislation related to transportation or potential bonding has thrown […]
